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发布时间:2021-01-10 04:48:14


NICK: I like the Honda Accord you showed me before.
I think it's more practical for my needs.
JOHN: Alright, sir. You are making a good choice.
Honda has made a lot of design improvements in the new Accord.
NICK: What does it come with standard?
JOHN: On all our new cars, the standards include:
air conditioning, anti-lock brakes, air bags, and an AM/FM stereo with a CD player.
But on the Accord, there is another standard item as well.
The Accord comes with cruise control.
NICK: Cruise control? I don't like that.
JOHN: Why not, sir?
NICK: I think it's dangerous. What if I can't turn it off?
JOHN: Well, sir, I know some of our customers are concerned about cruise control.
But Honda has never had a single cruise control malfunction that led to an accident.
NICK: I wish it didn't have cruise control. My wife doesn't like it either.
JOHN: You know, sir, you don't have to use it.
You can turn it on or off. If you don't want to use it, you just never turn it on.
NICK: I suppose. And what about the sunroof? Is that standard?
JOHN: No, the sunroof is optional, sir.
NICK: I see. Another important question is the time I can get this car.
I need a new car rather soon.
JOHN: Well, I can say that the new models will be here in August.
If you order one now, we will have it for you in August.
NICK: That's good enough, I think. What colors does the new Accord come in?
JOHN: We have this new model in red, white, black, or silver.
These are the standard colors.
Of course you could specially order from various other colors too.
NICK: My brother has last year's Accord.
And his car is a kind of soft purple color mixed with silver.
I really like that color. I wonder if I can get that color on my Accord.
JOHN: I know the color you mean. Is this it, sir?
NICK: Yes, I think that's it. Can I get that on the Accord?
JOHN: Yes, you can.
That color is very popular with Honda buyers. So we've kept it available.
NICK: Well, I think I want to order the new Accord then.
It looks like an excellent car.
JOHN: You have made a good choice, sir.
I drive an Accord myself. They are very solidly built machines, very reliable.
NICK: Yes, I know. I think Honda is the most reliable car on the road.
I would never change to anything else.
The Honda I have now almost never has service problems. It runs smooth as silk.
JOHN: Alright, sir. I will get the paperwork ready for you. Just a moment.






























http://www.cer789.com/post/94.html 汽车英语词汇表


F——function :功能 指汽车所固有的功能 例如:ABS。
A——advantage :优势 指此款车型区别于其它车型的优势功能 例如:同价位里,此款车型的轮胎抓地力特别强。
B——benefit :利益 指此款手机的功能及优势功能能够给消费者带来的好处、使用价值、利益... 例如:有了这个功能,您的车子也有了越野的性能了。


给你的也就是一点点的对话 这里说也没有用处 你最好自己注册个 MSN 然后 去哪个论坛可以聊下的 在比如你去加个老外 这样 你学习的就比较快。 也可以了解他们的生活习惯。。为你以后工作打个好点的基础。。


Customer: Oh, really, in silence, it is car 4S store or martyrs cemetery?( car ): Mr Sch, 4S shop certainly not die S shop. What do you want to buy a car? I can help you introce.The customers ': I want to buy, what car? Want to buy a car "BUHUI"!( car ): "not black " brand? Without this brand of car. Sir make fun of it?The customers ': is not " black ", but "no regrets " brand, is to buy after one year without regret car. Or according to your understanding, I want to buy a black car!( car ): ha ha, is too funny! But I think, our car can meet your requirements. For example, a hatchback car, the 1.6 capacity, automatic leather and CD, has been reced to 120000, more cost-effective. There are three car models, has just been upgraded, 140000 sell, listen to our boss said, the car would conform with international, it is sold at a loss!The customers ' Miss: ah, I really thought I humorous. Listen to your words, that you can more than my sense of humor! The price of the car, I had finished it will have to go to the bathroom!( car ): you mean, the price is not acceptable? Well, if you sincerely want, say a price, I can see it.The customers ': Oh? For example, the hatchback car, if 80000 wallet card, I now pay to take delivery of the goods!( car ):? Would you take me to be happy! The price of the car, you get Laiyi elsewhere a wholesale to our store, we send big money, hee hee.The customers ': is it true? Then I can get? Oh, you know the car dealer, the price of goods, or don't sell well, can you believe?( car ): Well, maybe. Now I don't know how, no matter what car, no matter what the price, is to sell do not move, our boss that fire, two eyes with beehive! I wonder, now the car market after all how?The customers ': how? I tell you, all profits to do evil. The last cars less, with prices of tiger bone, panda skin almost, prohibitively expensive, it is a lot of good silver kuangzhuan! Do not believe you ask, now, after buying the car a few do not feel when taken for a ride? At present, automobile factory in heaps, new models like locusts exist everywhere, purchase choice room is bigger and bigger, more intelligent, sensible, know with the international standards the price, but also have to take our country's wage level to compare, after several comparisons to, almost can not find little car. Unless particularly anxious or deposit is particularly much, ordinary people, not Chibidaigou grandad!( car maker ): Sir how to know " Chibidaigou " this word? Our boss listen to this four words to scold! Fortunately, he is not in, or you can not fight.The customers ' : " no use ah. The present situation is obvious, cannot pass how long, car market will slump, manufacturers also keep price does not let go, I look, short-term profit price is the inevitable result of subsequent bankruptcy! For they could not really! You put all of a sudden the price to people psychological acceptance level, then the service to keep up with, let the car city hot up, everyone is alive?( car maker ): also on mr.. You don't think we sell a car that car price profiteering. In fact, we also welcome manufacturers car, suitable price, so, our business will not be so bleak. But we can't, manufacturers of our look can be tightly, find our price on the fine privately. But, also cannot sell cars, our dealers how to maintain? This not, already two months did not pay the wages!The customers ': is enough trouble. The car sells cars are bad, when is a leader? Alas, what you said is poor, otherwise, I would buy a car?( car ): that's okay! Sir you, want to buy that car? I'll get the key!The customers ': don't, don't just concentrate on the keys. We must put the price ah. Or what I said, the hatchback car, license pack 80000, okay?( car maker ): sir you are really making jokes about me! Sorry, the price is the car, a less nor love, buy you buy, do not buy it or leave it!The customers ' : Well, miss, what kind of attitude is that? You have such a car? Want to do? I find your complaints to the manager! Make you come off sentry ty not to ... ... Tell me, where is the manager's office?( car ): the manager's office? Go left, turn left and then turn left and turn left, you to complain!The customers ': go, turn left and then turn left ... ... Then turn left and then turn left ... ... , that's not turn back? Are you kidding me?( car ): are you playing with me, I can 't make you -- around here to me right, I am the manager! Further complaints, you go to the United Nations, I have this price! Have the ability to tell me this store yellow myself, I just don't love to do the business. I had to sell aircraft, not kill you a big head doll black eye can not be!The customers ': ha ha, you these wonderful words to my article finish. Give you a card. Miss bye ... ...( car ): what? Article. Reporter. Oh, bad! Sir, wait, stop! You must not to publish it, if the words, don't treat me this 4S store name to exposure ah, please, I ask you to eat fried panoramic sunroof, leather seats, ABS rotten stew reversing radar, protect your satisfaction, how ah? Sir, wait a minute ... ...

5、营销代表与广告策划人关于车 英文对话

黑衣路人 教你营销广告:

黑衣路人 认为酒香也怕巷子深,所以广告在现代商业里变得越来越重要,那什么样的广告才能算是一条好广告呢?美国著名的文案大师休格曼说,广告想要有效果,必须要有能捕获消费者的几种心理诱因,咱们一起来听听。

第一个心理诱因是建立参与感。回忆这样一个场景,当你去商场购物的时候,卖衣服的导购员会建议你试穿,卖食品的老板也经常让你试吃,如果你一开始就拒绝, 那你肯定不会买,但一旦你试穿或者试吃后,你购买这个商品的概率就大大增加了,商家的这种行为就是为用户建立参与感。好的广告也是这样,如果你仔细观察就 会发现,越是吸引人的广告,往往就越给用户建立参与感。比如说有这么一条跑车的广告,我念给你听听,“驾驶这辆新车去逛一圈,感受下炎热的傍晚驾驶时风吹 过你头发的感觉,把油门一脚踩到底,尝一下瞬间被冲击力顶到座椅背后的滋味,看一下精美的电子显示屏,这是这款跑车带给你的速度”,怎么样,听我说完你是 不是感觉自己在夕阳下开着这款跑车?这就是用语言或者画面为用户建立参与感。

第二个心理诱因是建立权威。黑衣路人 觉得人本能的心理倾向就是相信专业和权威,比如说一个数码小白想去买一个电脑,他一定会先问问身边懂电脑的朋友该怎么买,能不能陪 他一起去,告诉他各种型号的区别,最好连买哪个都帮他决定好。再比如有时候我们去买西瓜,都要惯性的问老板这个西瓜甜不甜。所以商家给产品做广告,很重要 的一点就是塑造专业权威感,比如你可以在广告里列很多数字参数做对比,来显示自己的专业。小米手机就经常在发布会上这样做,然后得出自己行业地位领先的结 论,这也确实增加了消费者对品牌的信任感。

第三个心理诱因是建立联系,就是把客户已经知道的东西跟你的产品联系起来,这样就消费者才会更容易接受。比如说烟雾探测器刚刚面市的时候,很多人不知道这 个东西是干什么的。厂商在打广告的时候就说,这个产品是“天花板上敏锐的鼻子”,一闻到家里的烟雾就会发出警报。这个人性化的类比一出现,立刻就拉近了产 品和客户之间的距离。还有一个例子,美国曾经出过一款产品,可以远程控制汽车的启动,在你离车还有一段距离的时候,按一下钥匙扣大小的按钮,汽车就会自动 打火,你一上车马上就能开走。最爽的是夏天,你一开车门就能感受到凉爽的空气,再也不用像在蒸笼里一样,苦苦等着温度一点一点降下来。休格曼给这款遥控装 置起了个名字叫“黑手党的自动机关”,是不是一听,就联想到了黑手党遥控汽车爆炸,眨眼间干掉对手的火爆画面?是不是很酷?

第四个心理诱因是唤起归属感渴望。黑衣路人 认为人人都有对归属感的需求,这是天生的。好的广告就能做到唤起消费者的需求,让他们感觉到买这个产品,我就能属于我喜欢的 群体。举个例子,美国的万宝路香烟,它的广告成功塑造了一种颓废的雅痞之美,西方人都想要这种气质,当然就喜欢万宝路香烟;再比如,奔驰汽车一直标榜的 是,开奔驰的人就是财富的拥有者,那想做有钱人的人,想炫耀自己的财富的人就愿意买奔驰车;沃尔沃后来也采取了归属感的策略,宣传说自己的用户是学历最高 的。随后几年,沃尔沃高学历用户果然越来越多。所以说,广告只要给消费者想要的群体气氛,他们就会自动归队了。

黑衣路人 :产品要想卖得好,营销广告还是得更走心才行。但是要注意,做任何营销都要走正道,不要做不合天道的产品和营销,更不要做欺骗大从的事情。目前网上是鱼龙混杂,小白们也要多注意防骗。如果想了解营销本质,可以点击黑衣网络营销头像,查看更多资料,里面有邮箱,可以联系。

6、求一篇关于汽车4S销售的英文文章!~(当然,有中文翻译更好)。但 一定要有英文原文。



A: Do you want to buy this car, Mr. B? - 要买这个车吗? B?
B: Let me check, hi, C, what do you think about it? -- 我看看, C,这车咋样?
C: Actually, it is a nice car, I just bought the same model one year ago. -- 不错,我去年买的也是这个型号
B: Good, you are auto expert, I trust you, I want the same one, - 好吧,你是起床专家, 相信你了,我也买一样的吧。
A: Good, let's make the payment with the cashier. -- 好,交钱吧


what can i do for you? / which kinds of car do you like?/ it's of the best quality and the cheapest price.


In current market, almost every enterprise have to face the fierce competetion to stay alive. Excellent service plays an important role in enhancing the company’s competence. There are many problems existing for companies to offer service. For instance, the service quality is poor or provided not in time, all of which cause bad effects on company’s image. Perhaps some companies will prolong their working time to solve such problems. However, I don't assume this solution can really eliminate these existing problems. Because extended time means employees will be forced to sarcrifice their leisure time, which might results in tention and complaint.As far as I’m concerned, I think it is advisible to improve the quality of service instead of merely increase working time. For most customers, they put great attachment on the quality of service. For example, our national brand Haier offer excellent after- sale service, which have gained vast praise as well as profits.Overall , I think premium service can benefit both companies and the customers. Therefore, companies should pay more attention to the improvement of their service.我感觉你的要点太多,所以前两点写在第二段里,后两点写在第三段里,而且举了个海尔的
