导航:首页 > 电动新能源 > 燃料电池电动汽车英文介绍


发布时间:2021-02-15 09:59:11


燃料电池汽车( FCV) 是一种用车载燃料电池装置产生的电力作为动力的汽车。车载燃料电池装置所使用的燃料为高纯度氢气或含氢燃料经重整所得到的高含氢重整气。与通常的电动汽车比较, 其动力方面的不同在于FCV 用的电力来自车载燃料电池装置, 电动汽车所用的电力来自由电网充电的蓄电池。因此, FCV 的关键是燃料电池。


燃料电池是一种不燃烧燃料而直接以电化学反应方式将燃料的化学能转变为电能的高效发电装置。发电的基本原理是: 电池的阳极( 燃料极) 输入氢气( 燃料) , 氢分子( H2) 在阳极催化剂作用下被离解成为氢离子( H+ ) 和电子( e-) , H+ 穿过燃料电池的电解质层向阴极( 氧化极) 方向运动, e-因通不过电解质层而由一个外部电路流向阴极; 在电池阴极输入氧气( O2) , 氧气在阴极催化剂作用下离解成为氧原子( O) , 与通过外部电路流向阴极的e-和燃料穿过电解质的H+ 结合生成稳定结构的水( H2O) , 完成电化学反应放出热量。这种电化学反应与氢气在氧气中发生的剧烈燃烧反应是完全不同的, 只要阳极不断输入氢气, 阴极不断输入氧气, 电化学反应就会连续不断地进行下去, e-就会不断通过外部电路流动形成电流, 从而连续不断地向汽车提供电力。与传统的导电体切割磁力线的回转机械发电原理也完全不同, 这种电化学反应属于一种没有物体运动就获得电力的静态发电方式。因而, 燃料电池具有效率高、噪音低、无污染物排出等优点, 这确保了FCV 成为真正意义上的高效、清洁汽车。

为满足汽车的使用要求, 车用燃料电池还必须具有高比能量、低工作温度、起动快、无泄漏等特性,在众多类型的燃料电池中, 质子交换膜燃料电池( PEMFC) 完全具备这些特性, 所以FCV 所使用的燃料电池都是PEMFC。




燃料电池汽车( FCV) 是一种用车载燃料电池装置产生的电力作为动力的汽车。车载燃料电池装置所使用的燃料为高纯度氢气或含氢燃料经重整所得到的高含氢重整气。与通常的电动汽车比较, 其动力方面的不同在于FCV 用的电力来自车载燃料电池装置, 电动汽车所用的电力来自由电网充电的蓄电池。因此, FCV 的关键是燃料电池。
燃料电池是一种不燃烧燃料而直接以电化学反应方式将燃料的化学能转变为电能的高效发电装置。发电的基本原理是: 电池的阳极( 燃料极) 输入氢气( 燃料) , 氢分子( H2) 在阳极催化剂作用下被离解成为氢离子( H+ ) 和电子( e-) , H+ 穿过燃料电池的电解质层向阴极( 氧化极) 方向运动, e-因通不过电解质层而由一个外部电路流向阴极; 在电池阴极输入氧气( O2) , 氧气在阴极催化剂作用下离解成为氧原子( O) , 与通过外部电路流向阴极的e-和燃料穿过电解质的H+ 结合生成稳定结构的水( H2O) , 完成电化学反应放出热量。这种电化学反应与氢气在氧气中发生的剧烈燃烧反应是完全不同的, 只要阳极不断输入氢气, 阴极不断输入氧气, 电化学反应就会连续不断地进行下去, e-就会不断通过外部电路流动形成电流, 从而连续不断地向汽车提供电力。与传统的导电体切割磁力线的回转机械发电原理也完全不同, 这种电化学反应属于一种没有物体运动就获得电力的静态发电方式。因而, 燃料电池具有效率高、噪音低、无污染物排出等优点, 这确保了FCV 成为真正意义上的高效、清洁汽车。
为满足汽车的使用要求, 车用燃料电池还必须具有高比能量、低工作温度、起动快、无泄漏等特性,在众多类型的燃料电池中, 质子交换膜燃料电池( PEMFC) 完全具备这些特性, 所以FCV 所使用的燃料电池都是PEMFC。




质子交换膜燃料电池(proton exchange membrane fuel cell即PEMFC)的发展已有近50年的历史。1962年美国通用电力公司开发出PEMFC技术,并成功用于双子星座和Apollo登月飞行。后来因为其它燃料电池(如PAFC)在美国和日本试验成功,而放慢了对PEMFC 的研究。直到1983年才重新开始PEMFC的研究;1991年,11MW的MCFC在日本问世;1992年研制直接甲醇PEMFC;1993年第一个以PEMFC为动力电源的电动客车出现在加拿大。国外PEMFC研究开发领域的权威机构是加拿大的Ballard能源系统公司。1989年,该公司在加拿大国防部资助下,从美国国防部购买了电池技术。经过十多年的研究开发,成功地研制出了多种系列的PEMFC。1994年以来,Ballard公司先后与奔驰、大众、通用、福特、丰田和日产等著名汽车公司合作,开发出多种PEMFC汽车。2003年把各种PEMFC电动车正式推向市场。美国电动汽车市场分析家预计PEMFC的发展趋势是:世界各国将把小功率PEMFC的应用扩大到汽车市场上,主要用于载人客车,以解决环保问题。预计2010年美国市场上以燃料电池为动力的汽车将达到60多万辆(占美国汽车市场4%左右的份额),其中采用PEMFC的车辆将占80%[1,2]。目前质子交换膜燃料电池得到迅猛发展,美国、加拿大、日本和德国在开发该种电池作动力源方面的研究已经形成热潮。本报告论述了质子交换膜燃料电池的工作原理、优越性、技术指标、技术状态、关键技术、研究进展、储氢技术、应用市场以及发展前景等。

6、汽车英语翻译关于新型能源汽车 求大神 明天就要交 不要在线翻译

Second, the direction of development of new energy vehicles
Now for the new energy vehicles have a precise definition , refers to the use of unconventional vehicle fuel as a power source ( or the use of conventional vehicle fuels , the use of new -vehicle power unit ) , power control and drive advanced technologies integrated vehicle form the principle of advanced technology , with new technology, new structure of the car. New energy vehicles including hybrid vehicles, pure electric vehicles (BEV, including solar car ) , fuel cell electric vehicle (FCEV), hydrogen engine vehicles, other new energy sources ( such as high energy storage devices , dimethyl ether )
Cars. The following describes the following:
A hybrid electric vehicle
Hybrid electric vehicles use an internal combustion engine and a motor as power , the power source because it has no need to store large amounts of power in the energy storage device , an electric vehicle which overcomes the disadvantages of the short distance traveled , fuel economy and significantly better than conventional vehicles. Saving a mainstream electric car market of non-renewable energy sources, while greatly recing exhaust emissions , is present. However, the two systems will be installed on a system originally installed only cars, not only increased the weight of the car itself , but also increases the overall process control requirements. Thus the complex structure of the hybrid vehicle control high technical requirements, the corresponding costs and the price is higher .
In addition, it is used in the conventional internal combustion engine , which consumes non-renewable energy is inevitable, in improving energy efficiency and environmental protection performance was unsatisfactory.
2 , pure electric vehicles
Pure electric vehicle is a motor fuel engine instead of using the motor as a power , electrochemical batteries as energy storage unit , with no dependence on oil , no noise and vibration , operating performance, high efficiency and outstanding advantages . Electric drive has the advantage of not using fuel , zero-emission and low noise ; simultaneously by using a single electric energy , electric control system greatly simplified compared to hybrid electric vehicles , not only reces the cost of part of the price , but also to compensate for the battery. However, the electrochemical battery energy density and power density is relatively small, low enrance , pure electric vehicles currently used only for tourism and other short-haul travel . Although the recent development of high-performance batteries , such as lithium-ion batteries was a great success , but its high cost , making further promote pure electric vehicles there is a very great difficulties . FIG 2 is a configuration diagram of a motor pure .
3 , fuel cell electric vehicles
Fuel cell -powered electric vehicles with motors , fuel cells as an energy conversion device , the use of hydrogen as a fuel. Difficulties in the development of fuel cell vehicles is the storage of hydrogen fuel , fuel cell size and high proction costs , developing high-performance proton exchange membrane and the complex control system, the use of fuel cells as a power source for electric vehicles called fuel cell electric car FCE (Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle), the first FCEV fuel cell buses FCEB (Fuel Cell Electric Bus). Quality early FCEV fuel cell itself and its ancillary equipment heavy , bulky, occupy a large part of the bus loading space , almost no space for passengers , to bring the total layout FCEV great difficulties . Compared with the traditional internal combustion engine vehicles , FCEV not through the process of heat engine , without limitation Carnot cycle , with the advantages of high energy conversion efficiency and environmental friendliness unparalleled internal combustion engine vehicles , while still maintaining the traditional internal combustion engine vehicle speed, long-distance running safety , comfort, and other properties, is considered the preferred 21st century clean, efficient transport. Domestic and foreign experts believe that fuel cell technology will become the core of the automotive instry in the 21st century .
