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发布时间:2021-06-13 14:41:18



在12月7日的一次线上演讲中,MG欧洲公司首席执行官Matt Lei证实,该公司今年将开始在荷兰和法国销售汽车,并将从明年开始在德国、意大利、西班牙和葡萄牙等市场销售汽车。

Matt Lei透露,该品牌将在明年推出一款新的旗舰电动SUV,以及另一款电动车型。他表示:“随着ZS纯电动汽车和ESH插电式混合动力汽车的推出,我们正在认真构建我们在欧洲的产品组合。”他补充说,这款旗舰SUV“不仅在技术和性能方面展示了该品牌的实力,在设计方面同样如此。”

预计这款车将是MG在中国的姊妹品牌 荣威Marvel X中型SUV的一个版本。根据荣威的官网信息,Marvel X提供了四轮驱动版本,搭载前后双发动机,百公里加速仅4.8秒。这款车配备了52千瓦时的电池,而NEDC的续航里程为370公里,但在欧洲市场,它的电池容量可能会更高。后驱版的Marvel X续航里程为403公里。

MG将在欧洲推出的另一款新车型是一款更小的电动车型,伪装贴纸的影响下,看起来像是一辆旅行车。Matt Lei表示,这款车目前没有竞争对手:“我们将积极参与到竞争对手尚未开发的电动汽车领域。”


尽管ZS只在英国和挪威等少数几个欧洲市场销售,但JATO Dynamics的数据显示,凭借ZS小型电动SUV的成功,该品牌今年前10个月在欧洲的销量增长了112%,达到21,672辆。




当地时间1月28日,管理咨询公司麦肯锡发布了一份关于纯电动汽车的研究报告:The road ahead for e-mobility(电动汽车的前进之路)。报告显示,到2025年,纯电动汽车将达到485款,届时消费者将彻底告别因为可选车型少而带来的烦恼。













民主党候选人拜登(Joe Biden)对电动汽车行业的规划提到,到2030年建设超过50万个充电桩,承诺恢复全部电动车税收抵免,并推动更严格的汽车法规,促进消费者转向低排放车型、SUV和卡车。

美国总统特朗普(Donald Trump)则放宽了燃油排放标准,并计划建设数量较少的充电设施。他将支持化石燃料行业,一些共和党人认为,这样做更有利于美国人的钱包。当3月份通用汽车(GM)和特斯拉(Tesla)的联邦电动汽车税收抵免到期时,特朗普政府阻挠了它们的延期请求。白宫也没有表示会在近期提供额外的电动汽车支持政策。


“电动汽车成本必须进一步降低才能具有竞争力。现在的情况是一旦失去补贴,电动汽车永远不会成为主流”,Cars.com执行主编Joe Wiesenfelder说道,“如果拜登当选,预计市场将出现明显变化。如果特朗普连任,电动汽车可能再度摇摇欲坠,甚至倒退,因为它根本不在共和党政府的议程之中。”


彭博新能源财经(Bloomberg New Energy Finance)的数据显示,特朗普政府不仅弱化了当年奥巴马时代的目标,2022年至2026年,电动汽车仅占美国汽车总销量的5%。而且,对电动汽车提供的支持几乎少得可怜。


彭博新能源财经分析师Aleksandra O’Donovan认为,“如果拜登胜利,加上民主党人控制参议院,有可能改变电动汽车多年来的发展轨迹,同时能够扭转特朗普政府造成的部分损失。”

无论总统竞选的获胜者是谁,最后都要面对“复杂”的国会。事实上,希望美国在气候变化方面取得进展的年轻消费者对电动汽车越来越感兴趣。大多数选民,包括倾向于共和党的女性、有色人种和年轻选民,都将气候变化视为下一届政府和国会的当务之急。10月末的一项经济学家/ YouGov民意测验发现,气候问题是所有选民最关心的第三大问题,也是18-29岁的民主党人和年轻选民的最关心的第二大问题。 

随着民主党州长们在地方层面上为推动电动汽车发展不断加码,拜登对电动汽车和环境政策的关注也可能会进一步加深。加州州长Gavon Newson在9月23日就签署行政命令,计划在2035年之前不再销售新的汽油车和柴油车,成为全美第一个对传统汽车设下禁售期限的州。





Vehicle "propellant agents" - that is, for the construction of power stations

As we all know, in recent years electric bicycles, electric motorcycle (behind as electric cars) are quietly entered our lives, with the structure, riding, such as the appearance of continuous improvement and perfection of technology, consumer acceptance has been Has greatly improved, is graally becoming urban and township residents in one of the major means of transport. As oil prices continue to rise and there is no regulations, no Rush, and paid, seized the existence of such factors has become even more accelerated the rapid development of the electric car history.

Let us look at the back of electric vehicles is not so optimistic, 'it' from Blur, of this world have come to the Spring and Autumn dozens of spring and autumn why can not promote it » Why can not the "electric vehicle" as the wider use of this » Because "it is" the hidden behind a better person to the inherent "flaws", compared with the 'electric car' is only a short distance in the power of the simple means of transport modes of transport, electric vehicles do not like, first of all to consider three Aspects:

1, the occupants of (referring to operability, speed)

2, comfort (referring to the main structure and automotive air-conditioning system)

3, convenience (referring to whether cross-regional excursion and the rability of the battery), in which the most important factor is that we are well-known vehicle batteries, because "inherent weaknesses" and other factors will limit the electric vehicles only at close range Within a Zhuanzhuan.

We are eager to affordable high-capacity battery, but only desire is desire, some friends may think of solar energy, solar energy, lithium, the last stage of fuel cell and the use of the Shin-air battery can apply to electric To which car, where we can no doubt be said, why have not more than another way to promote it » We were to do with analysis, solar energy and solar energy is a conditional energy, only under conditions of adequate light electric vehicles can receive adequate power, if the adoption of a "hybrid force" will lose the original meaning of electric vehicles, And solar energy, solar energy in construction costs, maintenance, appearance and so on without Jinren Italy, and therefore have not been widely promoting the use of only remain in the "trial of" stage, lithium batteries, and so efficient in the performance is far more than the widely used 'Lead-acid batteries,' but the price is too high (an ordinary lead-acid batteries from 2 to 3 times), although a more satisfactory performance, but was not accepted by the public.

Second thought, even inexpensive, high-performance batteries were successfully developed, in the actual sense only to an electric vehicle in the road additional traffic on the road for a distance of energy will continue to the end, then if To find you in the middle of power, and spend a few hours or even longer time to wait for a certain comparison is a painful thing.

The electric car instry terms, the emergence of high-performance batteries are important, to achieve inter-regional long-distance electric car up and running, only by virtue of one or more efficient battery is not enough, and only through a sound professional service organizations and their Tends to be a perfect combination, the electric vehicle instry on the road ahead is possible to flourish.

Speaking here to give you an example we can clearly see the "professional services" of the importance of speaking Take fuel cars! In the 1990s, China's gasoline vehicles and fuel for more than 70 # leaded petrol, entered the 21st century has graally # 85, # 90, # 93, # 97 unleaded petrol and ethanol gasoline today, "them" The emergence and change only the burning of waste row and made a raise standards and improve the car travelling distance and convenience little effect on this factor depends primarily on the creation by the middle of the petrol filling station, it is envisaged, if not these Gas stations to provide you with convenient, then drive a car with the convenience of fun will be gone, the car's development will also be restricted.

The same token, the development of electric vehicles and to promote, whether it is ordinary lead-acid batteries, lithium or other more high-performance batteries, 'they' is the application of improved performance, the major constraints is the lack of a "professional way of Service links "is the title of the article referred to the" power station for, " 'it' will be paid to the emergence of electric vehicles and electric transport their second" life "so that the electric vehicles entered our life, and take Into the tens of thousands of households possible.

"Power Station for" the beginning of this vision to see a friend speaking, may still relatively dim, in this I hope you can read this article, I believe you must have this vision of a new understanding And recognition.

"Power Station for" As the name suggests, is one that provides road transport for the electric battery power to replace the half-way "professional services", 'it' the birth will be able to cross-regional electric vehicles travelling on the important ongoing support, below the past few Each of the key issues discussed:

I, for the construction of power plants to electric cars to what »

1, to resolve the cross-regional electric vehicles up and running and half-way energy supplies for too long, and so on. Can set up more group-level counter-charge for electric equipment, to provide a unified standard model for the battery, simply referred to the appropriate service charges for quick and easy access to energy supplies, electric vehicles for the realization of long-distance running and laid the foundation for protection .

2, for the electric vehicle procers and owners no longer battery and paved the way for the confusion, to the rapid development of electric vehicle instry has laid a possibility. Is now widely used lead-acid battery rability of "life" is not satisfactory, usually around 1.5 years -2 to replacement with a factory approved life vary greatly (pre-approved high-quality lead-acid battery life is generally three to five years) This was mainly in the actual users in the use of the various factors caused by improper, each replacement needs a lot of expenditure and expenditure on fuel similar. Solution: ① through the power station for the construction and use of cars in the purchase of the vehicle at the same time just bought a one-time match with each other for power stations, unified standard model of the battery pack can be, just after the half-way-station to replace New batteries, batteries do not have to consider the "life" and related maintenance problems. ② from power plants for professional services for the exchange of personnel after the reunification of battery maintenance, testing, charging and paste the site, maintenance, repair, and other relevant date, time, or to contribute to the future of the reasonable and orderly exchange management services. ③ unified logo for power stations, equipped with management so as to achieve security convenient for the cross-regional electricity services to enable occupants to be a worry-free, the process for the fast.

Second, how will the operation of power stations-for-»

Mainly through the following three models to carry out the operation.

1, Independent: from electric vehicle manufacturers to autonomous operation, auto sales can be taken to promote grade level by level, with car sales outlets and a rational distribution, manufacturers paid or equipment can be unified cooperation with the profit according to different approach with Extraction, pattern of brand management, distribution and unified guide the implementation of the operation. This simple and easy, from all levels of distributors wholly-owned or co-investment Bukong decomposition in order to achieve sales of automobiles and power grids points for the reunification of the two.

The disadvantage is that the future reunification of the operation of the market negative, there is bound to repeat a variety of brand building, a sign of a kind not the same as mobile phone chargers to reach unity, so that interoperability between the restrictions, for the power station Profit greatly diminished, so will electric vehicles and power plants for the orderly development of adverse effects.

2, the cooperation of the instry: by a number of companies working together to reach a consensus, play a leading role, the establishment of trade associations, the Association published standards, and actively attract more businesses join, and members of the progressive realization of internal unity, and strive to different electric vehicles A brand-branding "for power station" operations, so that more electric vehicles to brand them to participate in, do not rebuild, over-built, thus realizing the whole instry tend to enter the reasonable and orderly development track.

Difficulties exist between enterprises is fragmented more difficult to coordinate, must be one or more large enterprises take the lead and made effective for the instry to wait and see and hope to see the advantages of cooperation and to point to all areas of mutual Step by step toward cooperation between the reunification of the road to development.

3, cooperation between officials and businessmen type: in this way can be said to be a more satisfactory way, we all know that any one thing as long as the official support for the development of the implementation of speed is very fast, such as ethanol gasoline if there is no official intervention, promotion It is more difficult, the same token I believe that as long as the social, public, economic development, useful things get official support for it will become possible.












































8、2019年全球销售163万辆纯电动汽车 特斯拉占比超20%





