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发布时间:2021-02-20 11:50:45


Emergency exit



汽车应急启动电源的翻译是:Emergency start power of the car

3、车辆禁止通行、紧急疏散集合点 英文翻译

No Passing!
No through traffic!
No thoroughfare!

emergency evacuation area/site


第三,站着的信用低比率是主要的因素感人的融资活动。 在我们的研究方面,银行通常相信,最困难的问题是该如何决定信用等级私下-拥有了 smes。 一些杰出的企业家也怨恨地与信用整个的社会站立的那通常低比率一起关心。 客观地说,银行对如此的企业不情愿借那确实有理性的理由。 然而,重建在一个极端弱的基础方面的名誉是不容易的。 有系统的调整一定在法律,机构和管理系统的区域中被做。 因此,信用系统而且整个的社会信用基础的加强建立应该变成政府的主要工作。
第四的,国家证券交易所企业需要国家的治疗。 在我们的研究时候,我们听到了时间和再一次诉愿为相信对如此的企业真正的国家治疗。 虽然政府在所有的水平是已经附上对旧姓者的发展很棒的重要, 那私下- 仍然拥有 smes 感觉了政府治疗的不平等当与州立的和外国的投资企业相较。因为如此的政策不将会最后渴望,所以事实上,国家证券交易所的企业家不愿让任何的 " 先取的政策 " 比被允许到其他企业的类型那些好。 我们支撑那在将来的成功因素政策的和调整,注意应该被支付到避免支援特定的部门如此的轻率。 企业, 由于或没有外国的投资和没有物质的没有物质州立的或私下-拥有,应该全部被相等地正如对待如企业。 超级- 国家的治疗应该是使减少产生相等的竞争环境。


Multifunctional emergency starting power supply for automobile
汽车应急属启动电源 Vehicle emergency starting power supply


EMERG = emergency 紧急情况

emergency beacon 紧急救援无线电信标

emergency door 紧急出口门

emergency frequency 应急频率

emergency action team 紧急行动队

emergency airdrome equipment 机场抢救设备

emergency alarm bell 紧急报警警铃

emergency alarm communication equipment 紧急报警通讯设备

emergency alarm signal 应急警报信号

emergency alarm 警报装置

emergency alert 紧急警戒

emergency ambulance service 急救车服务

emergency ambulance 急救车

emergency analysis 应急情况分析

emergency and rescue equipment 应急救援设备

emergency apparatus 应急设备

emergency application valve 紧急作用阀

emergency application 紧急应用

emergency area 事故区

emergency auxiliary power 事故备用电源

emergency battery 应急电池

emergency bilge pump 紧急舱底污水泵

emergency boat 应急救生艇

emergency brake gear 紧急闸装置

emergency brake switch 紧急闸开关

emergency brake system 备用制动系统

emergency brake 紧急制动器

emergency braking 紧急制动

emergency bridge 备用桥

emergency broadcasting system 紧急广播系统

emergency button 备用按钮

emergency call box system 紧急呼叫系统

emergency call 紧急情况报警

emergency car 救急车

emergency case 紧急情况

emergency chute (飞机发生事故时

emergency closing device 应急关闭装置

emergency closure 应急关闭装置

emergency cock 应急开关

emergency command center 事故指挥中心

emergency communication net 事故通信网

emergency communication 事故通信

emergency condition 应急状态

emergency construction 防险建筑物

emergency control measure 紧急防治措施

emergency control station 应急控制站

emergency control 紧急控制

emergency coolant pump 紧急冷却液泵

emergency cooling 紧急冷却

emergency crash work 飞机失事救援作业

emergency dam 防险坝

emergency decree 安全技术规程

emergency detection system 应急检测系统

emergency device 应急装置

emergency diesel-electric generator set 备用柴油发电机组

emergency disconnection 应急断开

emergency disengage switch 应急断开电门

emergency district 禁伐林区

emergency door handle 太平门门把手

emergency door 太平门

emergency drain 紧急排放

emergency drill 应急演习

emergency dwelling 临时住处

emergency egress opening 应急出口孔洞

emergency egress window 紧急出口窗户

emergency egress 紧急出口

emergency ejection 应急弹射

emergency ejector seat 应急弹射座椅

emergency electric power source 备用电源

emergency engine 备用发动机

emergency entrance marking 紧急入口标志

emergency entrance 紧急入口

emergency equipment 应急设备

emergency escape cable 应急脱离索

emergency escape capsule 应急脱离舱

emergency escape control 应急离机操纵

emergency escape equipment 应急离机设备

emergency escape ladder 应急梯

emergency escape procere 应急离机程序

emergency escape provision 应急离机设备

emergency escape system 应急离机系统

emergency escape 紧急避难

emergency evacuation kit 紧急疏散器具箱

emergency evacuation plan 紧急撤离计划

emergency evacuation procere 应急撤离程序

emergency evacuation route 紧急疏散路线

emergency evacuation smoke hood 紧急疏散防烟头罩

emergency evacuation 紧急疏散

emergency exchange 应急交换

emergency exit hatch 应急出口舱盖

emergency exit ladder 应急出口梯

emergency exit lighting 紧急出口照明

emergency exit marking system 安全出口标志系统

emergency exit placard 应急出口标牌

emergency exit sign 紧急出口标志

emergency exit spoiler 应急出口挡板

emergency exit window 紧急出口窗户

emergency exit 太平门

emergency extension lever 应急放起落架手柄

emergency extension system 应急放下系统

emergency extension 应急放下

emergency fan 事故风扇

emergency feature 应急用装置

emergency feed line 事故电源线

emergency fire notification procere 火灾紧急通知程序

emergency fuel cutoff switch 应急燃料切断开关

emergency gate 应急闸门

emergency gear 应急设备

emergency generating set 备用发动机组

emergency generator 备用发动机

emergency handle 紧急手柄

emergency hatch 应急出口

emergency illuminance 应急照明

emergency illumination 应急照明

emergency incident 紧急事件

emergency information 紧急通告

emergency instruction 紧急指令

emergency interconnection 应急互接

emergency key 应急电键

emergency keyer panel 遇险信号控制板

emergency kit 应急包

emergency ladder 应急梯

emergency lamp 事故备用灯

emergency landing field 迫降场

emergency landing flare 紧急着陆照明弹

emergency landing gear 应急起落架

emergency landing ground 应急着陆场

emergency landing procere 应急着陆程序

emergency landing signal 紧急着陆信号

emergency landing sit 迫降场

emergency landing strip 应急着陆地带

emergency landing survival accident 紧急着陆救生事故

emergency landing 紧急着陆

emergency life support system 应急生命保障系统

emergency lift 事故电梯

emergency light switch 应急照明电门

emergency light 应急灯

emergency lighting battery 应急照明电池

emergency lighting distribution equipment 事故照明配电设备

emergency lighting 事故照明<当正常照明中断时

emergency locator transmitter 紧急定位信标

emergency lock 事故闸

emergency luminaire 应急灯具

emergency maintenance 应急维修

emergency material 应急备料

emergency measure 紧急措施

emergency medical service communication 紧急医疗服务通信

Emergency Medical Services Technical Support Services Program 急救医务和技术援助服务计划

emergency medical technician 急救医务人员

emergency message 紧急呼救信号

emergency network 事故供电网

emergency number 紧急电话号码

emergency oil storage installation 事故贮油设施

emergency opening 安全出口

emergency operating order 紧急操作规程

emergency operation center 紧急行动中心

emergency operation 应急工作

emergency organization 应急组织

emergency outlet 安全出口

emergency overflow 应急溢流

emergency override switch 应急超控电门

emergency oxygen apparatus 应急氧气设备

emergency oxygen equipment 应急供氧设备

emergency oxygen 应急氧气

emergency panel lights switch 仪表板应急照明电门

emergency panel 备用配电盘

emergency period 非常时期

emergency phase 紧急阶段<警戒阶段

emergency plan 应急方案

emergency planning 应急计划

emergency plant 应急备用设备

emergency point-to-point communication facility 点间备用通信设备

emergency power control 应急电源控制台

emergency power cut off 紧急能源截断器

emergency power handle 应急电源手柄

emergency power load 紧急电力荷载

emergency power package 应急电源组

emergency power shutoff 应急停电

emergency power source 事故电源

emergency power supply 事故电源

emergency power 应急电源

emergency preparedness 应急准备状态

emergency procere N.

emergency program 紧急计划

emergency protection 故障防护

emergency pump 备用泵

emergency push-button switch 备用按钮开关

emergency radio channel 呼救信号波道

emergency recall 紧急召回<将电梯召回到指定楼层

emergency release notification 紧急释放通知书

emergency repair truck 事故修理车

emergency requirement 紧急要求

emergency rescue mission 紧急救援任务

emergency rescue operation 应急救援操作

emergency rescue service 紧急救援

emergency response management 紧急响应的组织管理

emergency response procere 紧急响应程序

emergency response 紧急响应

emergency restart 紧急再起动

emergency retreat 紧急躲避处

emergency road 备用道路

emergency route 备用迂回路线

emergency safe switch 应急保险电门

emergency safing circuit 应急保险电路

emergency scene 事故现场

emergency seat 安全座

emergency security operation 紧急保卫活动

emergency service elevator 消防专用电梯

emergency service vehicle 抢救车

emergency service 应急供电

emergency set 应急电台

emergency shaft 备用井

emergency shelter 应急掩蔽部

emergency shower 急救莲蓬头

emergency shutdown switch 紧急停车开关

emergency shutdown 紧急停运

emergency shutoff valve 紧急断流阀

emergency signal transmitter 事故信号发送器

emergency signal 遇险信号

emergency signaling 事故信号装置

emergency situation 紧急情况

emergency source unit 事故电源装置

emergency staircase 疏散楼梯

emergency standby power 应急备用电源

emergency stock 紧急储备

emergency stop cock 应急关断开关

emergency stop valve 防火开关

emergency stop 安全掣

emergency stopping 应急隔墙

emergency stretcher 应急担架

emergency supply 紧急备用电源

emergency survival 紧急救生

emergency switch 紧急保险开关

emergency switchboard 应急配电盘

emergency switching-off 事故切断

emergency system 应急系统

emergency team 抢救队

emergency telephone number 紧急电话号码

emergency telephone selector 应急电话选择器

emergency telephone station 紧急电话台

emergency telephone system 紧急电话系统

emergency tender with crane 带起重机的抢险救援车

emergency tender 抢险救援消防车

emergency throw-over equipment 事故转换设备

emergency transmitter 应急发射机

emergency trip magnet valve 紧急脱钩电磁阀

emergency trip switch 紧急脱钩开关

emergency trip 紧急断开机构

emergency trubogenerator 应急涡轮发电机

emergency truck = emergency tender 抢险救援消防车

emergency unit 备用设备

emergency usage 紧急使用

emergency valve 安全阀

emergency vehicle 应急车辆

emergency vent 安全排气口

emergency ventilation shaft 事故通风井

emergency ventilation 应急通风

emergency voice communication system 应急话音通信系统

emergency voicealarm communication system 应急话音报警通信系统

emergency warning circuit 应急报警电路

emergency water supply 紧急供水

emergency work 急救工作

7、应急预案 应急预案翻译成英文是什么?

emergency response plan scenario for sth
地震应急预案 emergency response plan scenario for destructive earthquake

8、紧急!!!帮忙翻译下 给50

Intelligent transportation system is the world frontier of transportation research, the automatic identification system in intelligent transportation system as an important technology, combined with the image processing and pattern recognition, automation technology, now etc widely applied.
The car license plate is clear, accurate, the only sign. Vehicle plate recognition system can automatically judge effectively extract and the image data and accurate license plate recognition of the characters.
This system is put forward a complete vehicle plate recognition method. Mainly includes the image preprocessing and character recognition in two parts. Image preprocessing, to obtain the first vehicle images using the principle of image histograms enhancement of contrast, widening image appears more clearly, the binary image processing for the follow-up work foundation, Then in binary image on the horizontal and vertical scans determine the accurate location, then license to manufacture progre ive-scan prior knowledge and the method and the normalized character, Finally by using the method of extracting characters like several characteristic value in order to character recognition. In character recognition, the image preprocessing after using the template matching method and the BP neural network, and the correct character.


The worker has already been accustomed to operate without equipment. Even if we bought new equipment for them , they will not try to use. Furthermore, there are not enough hands for the worksation for such a big mission of proction. So in order to save time, the worker are not willing to use the equipment. After all, the operation time with equipment is longer than that of using theirown hands. The equipment is good and the training has been done, but it is up to the workers if they would use the equipment.



监控中心 Center(MC)
实时监控Real Time Monitoring
资费标准Expense standard
短信mobilephone message
demo CD演示光盘
数据卡data cartridges
Monthly lease月租

The monitoring center(MC)will monitor and track the vehicle and show the current running state of the vehicle on real time. It’s electronic enclosure will separate out the running area of the vehicle and show all the vehicles in the separated area.
Viewing the current state of the vehicle through the mobilephone messages. Appending the information of vehicle sheets, and running the management of sheets. Alerting of excessive speed and path departure. The detailed status of the vehicles with excessive speed can be monitored through the snapshot pictures. Viewing the information of the vehicle and the snapshot pictures of the vehicle in wap web through mobilephone.

Expense standard

Vehicle primary installation price: 300 Yuan / vehicle(include equipment installation, training, maintenance of one year, randomly present a demo CD).
“My Chinese Map-Vehicle Management System Platform”using price is 30 Yuan / vehicle / month
Self-establishment of the Vehicle Management System:15 Yuan / vehicle / month. Additionally, the mobile communication network using expense should be paid by users according to local expense standard of China mobile company or China Unicom Company.


Using Beijing as a case, the GPRS data cartridge is 20 Yuan/ month (include monthly lease and 50M data exchange expense).
The price for using the platform: 30 Yuan / vehicle / month

In summary, one vehicle need a total integrated use expense of 50 Yuan.
